
5 Digital lessons from the Obama 2012 campaign!


Obama created history with his 2008 online campaign.

His 2012 campaign is equally stunning.


1. Simple, simple, simple Sign Up Page:

How simpler can it be?


2. Magnetic E-mail invites

Once signed up to a website, we all receive mails, but given that Obama has the personalities on his side, check how he has leveraged them:

And this one!


3. Personal messaging – everything is personal about this!

How often do you write to your customers and clients? Is it personal? Is it a plea? Do you really beg them for help (if you need it) ? Do you connect with them the way Obama does:


4. Perfecting the ‘Hook’

After asking me for as little as US$ 5, check out what I see when I revisit the site: 

The smallest denomination is US 15$! 

I mean, I clicked to donate 3-5 bucks, but this caught me by surprise.

When I used my Marwari head, I figured that the small innocuous looking text box could be filled for ‘any amount’ – yeah, I chose US$ 5!


5. Making the deal – irresistible – ‘The Sink’.

In case I strayed or had two minds after proceeding from checkpoint 1, check out the BIG promise that I saw as part of the reward to make sure that I contributed:

Who could refuse an offer like this one?

Who even cares about the campaign? I just wanna meet these two remarkable men!!

Finally, compliment the campaign with an external, emotional input like this! 

Lessons wrap-up:

1. Create a really simple way to get users to sign up.

2. Use emotional and magnetic forces to bring customers back.

3. Be personal. BEG. Make a plea. Ask for help.

4. Try and up-sell! In an emotional state, customers rarely backtrack.

5. Make the deal irresistible and impossible to walk away from!!
