
After 65 years, can we aspire for better!?

Ok – so this is the FULL PAGE ad in the Times of India that greeted me this beautiful Independence day morning.


My question is:


After 65 years of Independence, can we do ASPIRE for more than this??


– Lets begin with the communication:


I mean what is this supposed to do to me? Move me? Make me stand up and sing the anthem? Or make brush up on my Hindi??


Hey you Govt. morons – the national anthem that plays in Movie Halls is BRILLIANT!


I get goose bumps every other weekend and sometimes my eyes even go moist. I love my country and nothing beats the weekend, pre-movie theatrical experience of the anthem playing with color, sound and animation.


This ad does NADA to me. SHUNYA. KUCH NAHAI.


Take a look at the ad again. Since the Govt. Of India has spent MY MONEY (tax payers), I demand to know:


Who is this haunting lady?? Is she mother India? Why does she look like a ghost – all withered and battled?


Why is the ad so dark and ‘mossy’?? Why the greens and browns and  weird color splatters??


Ministry of ‘mis’communication – have you heard of Crowdsourcing? Just put out a request on the web to ask YOUR citizens to COMMUNICATE what they want on Independence day and see the kind of creative expression what you will get! As gratification – just add the name of the citizen on the ad..(can be anyone from any country also)… you will get lacs of entries..


Alternatively – get the best ad agencies in India to compete for this job and just give a simple credit on the side… they will do a much better job than this.


– Moving beyond the ad – Lets come to the CRUX of the issue –  WHAT IS IT that we are wishing each other??


Yeah, I know my maths – it is 65 years… since independence, so that number has little significance to me.


Why cant the government make us MOTIVATED and WISH FOR:


– Independence from Dowry in marriages?

– Independence from Caste discrimination?

– Independence from Girl Child Killings?

– Independence from bribes and corruption?

– Independence from illiteracy?? 


I mean this list could be 65 THINGS of what we should be INDEPENDENT from, going forward!


Don’t think I’m a grumpy, complaining idiot –  I LOVE MY INDEPENDENCE in India to be writing this and posting this on the www – for the government and the world to read.  In many parts of the world, citizens dont even have the freedom of expressions


But I believe that the world’s most promising, youthful, english speaking, democratic and happy go luck country can wish for many more interesting things on its 65th birthday and the Govt. has to lead by inspiration…



