
An iPad POS system that syncs seamlessly with online store.

Hello Rodinhooders,

Introducing myself, this is Huzefa from Mumbai. I have started a new venture to bring shopify POS system to India.

Shopify POS is iPad based retail software that automatically sync all your products, customers, orders and inventory with your online shopify store.

The advantages over traditional PC based software:

  1. Instantly transform your iPad in to a point of sale device by installing Shopify POS app. 
  2. Low initial software cost. $49 per location per month. You can have as many registers per location as you need at no extra charges. Thats about Rs 100 per day.
  3. Sync all data with ecommerce store. All data is securely backed up in cloud.
  4. Send email receipts. Gather customer email addresses with each sale.
  5. Easy to add other accessories like cash drawer, receipt printer and barcode scanner.
  6. Easy to use; saves many hours in training staff.
  7. Manage your inventory in one place.
  8. Consolidate your reporting in to one place.
  9. Makes POS exciting and cool experience for the customer.

The hardware compatibility in India, particularly the availability of iPad stands, turns out to be the bottleneck. I have been waiting for shopify to launch this India. After getting no confirmation from Shopify on this, I decided to take matters in my own hand and bring the Shopify POS compatible hardware to India. I am sure there are other entrepreneurs in India who share my excitement about this.

We are offering complete hardware packages, support with setting up the hardware, training staff, after sales service. We also offer Shopify development stores which give clients unlimited set up time at no extra fees.

Visit us at and please share your thoughts on the new venture. As fellow entrepreneurs, do you think the retail industry is ready for this idea?


Huzefa Siamwala

Past: In 2012, I started importing Google Nexus devices in India. Sold over 500+ pcs. Read about it here.

Other projects in development:

1. High altitude insulated clothing company.
2. Delicious, junk free, Ready to eat snacks and meals.