
And now, Linkedin SPAM :-((((

So, this is all that remained…


I posted my Crossword Article on Linkedin today, and lo and behold, check out the second comment on the posting below:



I guess Mr. Kalyaan Raavi would have sent me a Linkedin request and I must have accepted him in good faith.


BUT THIS KIND OF SPAM was never expected by me…


So, what do the people of the types of Kalyan Raavi really expect??


– That all my readers will suddenly become ‘recruiters’ for him and send him ‘Sharepoint Developer and & SQL Server’ resumes ASAP??


– The fact that he so publicly provided his e-mail id proves that he believes in the nobility of his mission?


 – Does he know that ‘comment’ means to comment upon the post or article – not tell the world why you had a fight with your mother in law and then ask someone for help in killing her?


– Do people like him keep ‘requesting’ friendship with Bakra’s like me to be able to vomit on our profiles at the right time?


Man…. I am so disgusted…


Linkedin just became another highway of the no brakes spam drivers….




Ps – Please read the other 2 pieces on Linkedin on therodinhoods:


How people are asking anyone and everyone for linkedin endorsements


The linkedin founders personal mail to me


