
And the journey begins

My problem is, I spend too much time to think the pros and cons – to analyze whether what I am doing is right or wrong. I knew that I wanted to do something more than just a job. Left my job. Still I was not taking a step forward. Shared my story with you all on July 2 – it’s been almost 2 months – still I have not done much apart from my regular work from home assignments. 

But not any more. Listened to Sri Sri once again – sometime closed my eyes to listen intensely. Around 4 AM, (the time that is dedicated to God) I redefined the message of my blog and set out for a journey to help people. Yes, I just want to help people with my knowledge – not thinking about anything else. I know Digital Marketing and I love startups (for many reasons) – so, decided to offer my Digital Strategy making abilities to Startups. I dedicate my blog (and myself) to help Startups find the right Digital Strategy – that’s it.

I took a lot of inspiration from Sramana Mitra’s concepts of Bootstrapping Using Services and Bootstrapping with a Paycheck. People who really want to do something, always find a way out. If they can, then why not me? So, I am going follow the first strategy as that suits me well. 

I would also like to thank Rajesh for his constant effort to inspire me. Whenever I got depressed, it’s Rajesh who reminded me that I can add value. He kept sending inspiring emails always. He started a blog Khel Jao so quickly that opened my eyes – if you want to do something, if your intentions are pure, then do it now – right now.

Finally, I would like to thank The Rodinhoods for inspiring me. For tweeting my story frequently – whenever I got a mention, I thought – oh, I shared my story and they still remember me! It helped a lot, believe me. Special thanks to Asha who embeds lots of positive energy with her emails, always 🙂