
… and we call it BugClipper Rodinhoods

“Bugs” … That’s how it started

Yeah! they are everywhere.

Last year, we were also facing the frustration of reporting bugs – taking screenshots, highlighting issues & writing those long descriptions was a pain. That’s when we decided to solve our own problem of reporting bugs and we created BugClipper.

We made our first pitch at the Rodinhoods Open house and everyone liked it. Little did we know back then, where were we headed … but things moved fast. We realized that problem was bigger for mobile app developers and quickly shifted gears to roll out BugClipper for mobile apps

It’s been over an year now. With 550+ apps onboard globally and the real world use cases. We received great insights & feedback from customers. That has helped us build a product, like you wanted. 

We worked day and night over last few months to handcraft the brand new version of BugClipper 

And we call it BugClipper Rodinhoods

Story behind the name

Every time we set up a new server instance, build a new schema or rollout a new version we were stuck at naming them. Though versions were easily managed with the numbers like 1.0, 2.0 … and so on, but it wasn’t enough to satiate our creative appetite.

Everyone has their own naming system. People use location, function, fictional characters, creativity or some random logic.

We’ve been using random names like skynet, bugger, ganesha previously. But we were looking for something better and one fine day came up with an idea of naming after real people.
People who matter a lot to us. Startup is a tough journey and we’ve been very lucky to have so many good people, friends and mentors with us. They have been with us, guiding, inspiring and guarding our back. 

We set sail on our new journey with BugClipper at The Rodinhoods Open House and t
his community has helped us a lot in our entrepreneurial journey and we have found great friends & mentors here. 

BugClipper Rodinhoods is just our way of thanking all the Rodinhoods – 

Thank You!
You are awesome. We’ll never forget you 🙂

BugClipper is an in-app bug reporting tool that makes it very easy to report issues directly from your app and saves more than 70% of the reporting time. You can check out the list of features here

We are on a mission to make your work life more productive and help you build bug free apps. There is lot more for you to discover, give it a spin by signing up free at and let us know what you think. 

Love it, hate it ? I am listening at : / @puneetsmail

[Image: Andy Glover,]