
Beta List featured: Protolution $10 for Rodinhooders

Hello Rodinhooders,

Protolution is a Mumbai based startup that is currently in development and will be in beta soon. We were recently featured on Beta List 

Through crowd sourcing, Protolution is built to democratize the way entrepreneurs and businesses create products. The Prototype demo page will look like:

We are a crowd sourced social platform that allows entrepreneurs and businesses to test their prototypes with a community of early adopters. Protolution is an online tool that removes the hassles of creating a focus group and ensures quick response from the crowd – your future customers.
Protolution will help to get your prototypes validated, help get your initial customers and will create awareness of your product or service even before you start selling! 

Protolution aims to help entrepreneurs and established businesses make the right data driven decisions in the simplest manner possible.

We have learnt a great deal from The Rodinhooders and as a token of appreciation will offer a $10 discount that is good to use when posting a prototype.

When you sign up for the beta on Protolution you will receive a thank you email, please reply back with your Rodinhood profile page URL so that we can give you this $10.

We look forward to hearing more.

Team Protolution

Twitter @protolution