
Why Bicycle sharing will be the new on demand cab for urban India?

You’d think cycling in India is hard, decrepit infrastructure, pollution and horrible traffic. But if you really think about it, most traffic on Indian roads are two wheeler’s anyway.

So, I took it upon myself to actually ride cycles as my primary means of transport before I could convince other people to do so. And the results were surprising even to me. It just so happens that you can make the same distance you would in a car or bike. Traffic is generally slow moving, for a motor vehicle that is, but for a cycle it can be a comfortable pace, to not worry about over speeding vehicles trying to take over. More often that not it’s the cyclists who can take over other vehicles and maneuver comfortably in rush hour conditions.

(I clocked a little over 500 km riding all over Delhi to to get a first hand experience . )

It has been six months since I’ve been spreading the bike sharing gospel for bringing dock less bicycle sharing to India, and approaching colleges for the same and truth be told, we had limited success. First it was convincing people that cycling is actually a viable way to commute within campuses and then running into extensive bureaucracy.

But then it happened, the floodgates of the bike sharing market opened and a variety of companies jumped in, from Indian unicorns Ola and Zoomcar to the Chinese heavyweights, all preparing for their eventual launch in the Indian market.

And that is fantastic news for customers, in the coming few months, you will see station less bicycles all across India’s major urban centers, currently Letscycle as well as other players have been anchored to colleges and university campuses. That will soon change, our ultimate goal is to solve the last mile conundrum, we are not just selling going from point A to point B on a bicycle, we’re offering the convenience of never having to think about everyday logistics.

And Urban India needs it more than anywhere else, we face some of the worst infrastructural and pollution problems but that just makes it the perfect storm for dock less bike sharing apps like letscycle to swoop in. Rest assured, in a year’s time, you won’t book a cab to the nearest metro station, because the smart cycle will be a better option. The Bicycle sharing revolution is here, we just hope to be a small part of it.

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