
BrainJob #1 – What do I do?

I think we should have a regular ‘Dilemma’ question on the site for our learned users to help themselves to a ‘brainjob’


So, here goes:



You are the CEO of a Financial Services Company thats been around for 14 years. After some major roller coaster movements in the lifecycle of your business, you are finally flourishing.


The Company is on the verge of an IPO and you are a week away from the Investor Roadshows.


A major contributor to the success of the business has been your CFO of 14 years. He is 41 years old, married, very sharp and dedicated to his job. He is the cornerstone of the Company.


However, he is a perpetual skirt chaser. He keeps flirting with the Women in the office and has had a couple of serious affairs with girl executives who were trainees. You have managed the situation so far, but the latest situation is out of control…


Mr. CFO is sleeping around with a 32 year old very senior analyst of the Company. She doesn’t seem to be troubled by his married status and actually believes that Mr. CFO loves her. He is clearly leading her up the Garden Path.


Also, Mr. CFO’s wife has called you and clearly told you that she knows what is going on and wants you to do either of the following in the next 2 days:


A – Ask CFO to leave immediately (so that she can then re-locate to another city)


B – Ask Ms. Analyst to leave immediately (thus preventing Mrs. CFO’s marriage from dissolving).


Your IPO is just a week ago. The Analyst has worked for you for over 3 years now and is absolutely perfect at her job. If you will fire her, it will be for ‘no cause’. The CFO is like your Co-Founder.. he loves the Job but refuses to mend his skirt chasing habits.