
Bridging gaps

The 4 W’s of Bridging Gaps

Who is Bridging gaps ?

Me – the undersigned who has had a humble 8 year  (2000 – 2008) experience in retail sales & franchisee management. 

Why did I start Bridging gaps ?

Honestly it happened to me , while i was freelancing for a gaming arcade company who wanted to revamp and introduce a customized service for the prospective customer but didn’t have the dedicated resource to do so. What began as a 3 month assignment also got me a distribution firm who wanted to make it big in the corporate world but didn’t have the professional expertise to do so. 

End result – the puzzle can be completed perfectly by identifying the gaps and working on them.

What is Bridging gaps ?

Founded in 2010 , Bridging gaps objective is to assist an entrepreneur in terms of Business Plan , Operational turn around’s , Pilot a new service , Product launch , Sales training and the most important – understand the market from the consumers perspective.

Where is Bridging gaps ?

Right here @ Advisers 🙂 Awesome initiative , must say.


Manisha Rastogi