
BugClipper<img src="" alt="™" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" /> – Clip bugs. Work Faster.

This Open house
We entrepreneurs celebrated failures, shared lessons, mom called me* and I made a happy pitch on BugClipper .

* [Mom called and gave me The Ultimate Success Mantra]

For those who missed the Open house, here is my story of the awesome Friday.

Spectacular 2013 

Along with our regular job at BearShop, we folks kick started 2013 with a weekend project …. and ended up with a Killer product, a paying client and pipe-lined pitches to make.

All it took was, few extra WEEKENDS, few extra PINTS and an UNSEXY problem that we solved. And we called it BugClipper – Clip Bugs, Work Faster.

[IMPORTANT – We’ve received two demo requests, after the open house presentation.]

How it all started ?

Earlier I worked with few freelance programmers located in Nagpur. Testing their code, reporting bugs, explaining issues with long descriptions and loads of screenshots was hell.

This reminded me of those testers, who worked hard finding bugs, and even harder uploading screenshots. Idea !!! 

I discussed this with old bosses, friends and testers in the industry. And we started building it.

Behind the scenes 🙂

Testing Bug Clipper itself required loads of screenshots to be taken. Testing included mainly 3 things
1- Capture screenshot
2- Paste them
3- Edit (Crop, Highlight, Underline, Draw etc.)

Our guys were bored doing it over and over. So we came up with a new testing rule, which said –

“Screenshots we use for testing will be taken from Lingerie sites.”

Bingo !! testing was successful. And the team was more than happy clocking those extra hours of dedicated, I repeat , dedicated testing.

Here, have a look at some of the masterpieces from our team –

Highlight Screenshot

– Add TEXT to Screenshot                                        – HAPPY TESTER

[Above Images are screenshots taken from, and]


BugClipper presentation was featured on the home page of Slide share as HOT !!

Here is the version I presented at the Open House. Have a look and do share how you liked Bug-Clipper.

Special thanks to Mahendra and Nitesh for some brilliant work on weekends.