
Business Model Validation instead of Customer Validation [+Free beta access to all Rodinhooders]

You might remember that I had earlier asked to feedback on my startup idea which was an Anti-Virus for Ecommerce Agreements. Rodinhooders were extremely helpful and gave valuable feedback. Thank you so much for that. 

However, one thing I realize that that there are two type of validation- Customer Validation and Business Model Validation. 

Customer Validation is easy, almost everyone will sign up for a free beta. And since, I picked a very common problem everyone I talk says yes, I need this product. [talked to around 300 people personally] Validation from the customer, which any online shopper can give me, but then Rodinhooders are not are just a common online shopper. They are Entrepreneurs with a sharing mind and a business intellect. 

Therefore, it makes sense for me to not seek customer validation but share the so-called secret business model and see what you think. It will answer a lot of smart questions which were raised in my last post. It have begun to trust this community, and as Alok sir has said, I don’t exactly remember but: “If you have an idea worth stealing, be happy that someone stole it and is working on it.”

So here is a link to the LeanStack Business Model Canvas:

I request you all to give feedback, particular w.r.t to customer segments, and who should my primary and ideal customer. 

And if you would like to receive the beta version for free, as soon as we launch, please sign up here:

To verify that you are a Rodinhooder, please leave your email id in a comment here for me to verify and approve your email for the beta.

Twitter: @aayush1990sri @amicusco