
Can’t we create the NEXT BIG thing from India? It’s REALLY SO EASY.

Rodinhood open house never happened in Indore. I wanted to ask this question while standing infront of you all but I cant wait more, these thoughts make me go mad in the night 😉

Here I go-

What we need to create the next big thing?

1) An Idea. The mind blowing idea which can dazzle world.

2) Who comes with an Idea? Almost everybody have some idea, some crazy idea. What if 5000 entrepreneurs come up and get settled on one idea? WOW

3) Capital( Which we lack every time) so when so many of us come together to work on a single thing, do you think we are going to need lots of capital? NO

4)Lots and lots of crazy people to work day and night to make it hit. For example- 5000 people are enough to create a buzz about anything. I believe so. Do you?

Now let me suggest why its so easy because we are living in a world of connections, and networks. We have communities like The Rodinhoods.

So is it really difficult to convince 5000 people to come and create something together in a month or two without spending any money?? (When 5000 people come together to create one thing by taking some percentage of the company, they are bringing their own skills too.

( Actually we might not need 5000 people, it can be done with 100 or less number of entrepreneurs, the reason behind asking lots and lots of entrepreneurs to come and join is to create that ONE thing without putting up any capital and that means starting something with just ZERO capital. )

So what we need is their work not their capital. Like someone will be the designer, someone will be the programmer and everybody will be the marketer. Its like winning half a battle. 

This thought of creating something along with thousands of co-founders dazzle me everytime. 

Just imagine, if we could do this, we can create the history

Any suggestions? What say?


I posted this question on Quora.

Here is the link-Can’t we create the NEXT BIG thing from India? It’s REALLY SO EASY                                             



I am Tanutejas Saraswat & I am NOT speaking all this because it sounds so sexy, I am asking all this because I have a feeling that this kind of things are possible if we run to create them.

I might be wrong or just pointless but what if we can do something like this? What if we could create something without even thinking about funds? what if we could start something with the help of 100s of entrepreneurs?  

Real strength lies in Networking. And we have an example for that- “FACEBOOK”. 

image source: Google