
CAT 2012 Results – Does the Road Lead to IIMs or Somewhere Else?

(This article is not just meant for CAT exam aspirants. It can be applied to any exam for School level, University level, Corporate level and most importantly LIFE. All the names are hypothetical and bear no resemblance to any person.)

CAT 2012 results are out. Some might have cracked it in the first attempt and for some it would have been, perhaps, the third or fourth attempt. Some might not have even been able to clear the cut-offs for any top B-school (affiliated to the CAT scores). While a few might have just attempted to see what CAT Online exam is all about. Here we see a hypothetical situation of 4 CAT 2012 aspirants.

Let the four students be named in chronological order – Aman, Boman, Charan, Dhiren.

Aman: Aman has scored a perfect 100%ile in one of the toughest management entrance exams in the world and has secured calls from all the IIMs. He is sure that he will crack one of the IIMs. Most likely after that, Aman will join some giant MNC for a high package, exotic location and live a well-settled life.

Boman: Boman has managed to score about 97%ile and has managed to get calls from most of the top B-schools in India except the IIMs. He is sure that he will crack one of these B-schools (based on the preparation and his confidence level). Most likely after two years of B-school, Boman will join an MNC or a mid-sized company and keep hopping from one company to another in search of better salary and better opportunities.

Charan: Charan has managed to get a low percentile in CAT exam but is not disheartened and hopes that next year he’ll be able to bell the CAT. Perhaps he was not serious this time. Most likely he will waste another 5-6 months and then get a shocker and then start preparing seriously for the next year’s CAT (CAT 2013).

Dhiren: Dhiren has managed to get a very low percentile in CAT exam and is heart-broken and thinks that this is the end of the world for him. He feels that despite studying a lot, he couldn’t crack the CAT this year. Most likely he will do something that he doesn’t like (obviously because of low morale, mood off, bad state of mind or depression, in the worst case). Or he might just give up trying thinking that IIMs (or anything tough, for that matter) is not for him.

Now consider your life and put yourself in one of these 4 situations.

What Is The Problem With People Like Dhiren?


The problem is in GIVING UP. Just because you didn’t get something (as you had anticipated), doesn’t mean that you cannot achieve anything. The deep voice of Amitabh Bachchan, that most people now die for, was once rejected by the All India Radio after an audition.

The problem is in DOING WHAT YOU DON’T LIKE. Just because you didn’t excel in something doesn’t necessarily mean that you should take up anything even if it doesn’t interest you. This will further lower your morale and confidence. When Steve Jobs was ousted from the company he founded, he didn’t do ‘just anything’. Instead, he founded NeXt Inc. and still did what he loved – technology.


What To Do When You’re In A Situation Like Dhiren?


Most of the successful entrepreneurs of the world don’t have a B-School tag attached to them. It is out of their sheer passion and their commitment that they achieve great heights. Here are a few things you should do if you are in a situation like Dhiren (in no particular order):


  1. Go Become an Entrepreneur – When you’re not very happy or depressed with something, you’re most likely to become a good entrepreneur. Most entrepreneurs are not very happy about the current situations of the world and they persist to make it better. That’s how their companies are born – to provide a better solution. Also, entrepreneurship will teach you and make you better at failing and yet striving for success.
  2. Take a Break, Travel and Find Yourself – Successful people know who they are, what they want to achieve in life and how much efforts they need to put in. If you can find it, great. If not, go pack your bags and travel to know your abilities. Travelling different parts of the world will bring out many of your qualities since you would be faced with various situations in various cultures among various people.
  3. Meditate and Relax Your Mind – Meditation can be a great tool to pacify your mind, know yourself, connect to God and improve your creativity and efficiency. Most successful people are known to be using one or the other form of meditation.
  4. Start It Up All Over Again – If you cannot think of doing anything, just give it one more try. Start it up all over again. Perhaps, it’s not the end yet. You might find new energy, new zeal and new interest in doing the same thing again. But NEVER give up.

No matter what your result is in CAT 2012, you still have a long way to go. Make it memorable.


P.S.: Let me know via comments if you think people like Dhiren can do something else (instead of giving up or doing something they don’t like).


The article first appeared on my blog: CATapp