
(COMIC) Take a Taxative: Don’t Get Audited!

Ah, taxes – a mandatory thorn in your side. What to expense, what to allocate, what to deduct and what to account for… it’s quadruple the headache for an entrepreneur.

If you are an entrepreneur who gets your taxes done for you, you’re still not in the clear, as you still have to gather all your statements and receipts. And for those small business self-filers out there, here are some tips to prevent getting audited:

Of course the above points are just possible examples of #entrepreneurfail. Just to be on the safe side, if you have any doubts, run your taxes by an accountant. You also may want to consult a tax accountant for the following questions:

These questions may save you some pain in your “Audit nerve” in the long run.

What is the most difficult part about filing taxes for you? Share with us in the comments below.

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