
Roam Freely in the Entrepreneur’s Zoo

It’s a jungle out there.

This may be the only zoo most familiar to those in the startup world – let’s call it the Entrepreneurs Zoo! Just coincidentally, many of the vendors, services and products, we (and other entrepreneurs) use in starting a business have “animal” names. We’ve used many of them, and here is a line up and maybe one of them can help you, depending on what country you are starting up in.

Web Development and Technology



The #entrepreneurfail part of this is that aspiring entrepreneurs may want to just use a service or a vendor without assessing business needs and ROI and end up wasting time and resources.  Make sure you do your due diligence and choose only vendors that will grow your business.

Did we miss any “animalistic” resources and tools for entrepreneurs in this kingdom? Let me know in the comments below.

I’ll be teaching a workshop in Delhi on Oct 27th! Come learn some brainstorming hacks! Would love to meet you in person.


Check out our other comics on trhs here.
