
confused: what to chose from 2 sets of close to heart concepts

Dilemma whether to do “A” or “B” or both “A&B” together.

“A” = I have proven track record in training and development and performance coaching in global Cos. and want to pursue it as a business. Hurdle is that since I am not academically qualified (don’t have MBA or any PG or training qualifications / certifications from global Coaching Federations) nor backed by big established companies, corporates don’t take me seriousy. As an employee of a global MNC earlier it was different.              

“B” = Another thing that I could be good at is — selling Life Insurance products. Have adequate academic qualification and am certified by IRDA (Insurance Regulation & Development Act).  My communicationn and coaching skills could make a great impact here. Have been a part-time Life Insurance Advisor earlier with moderate success. Was working in the peripheri of my comnfort zone. Now I want to go big and get out of my comfort zone. Involves lot of administrative and back-end work which takes up a lot of my time and energy.

Physical limitation: Had a disc prolapse recently hence cannot sit at a stretch for a long time, nor can I exert myself physically by travelling and commuting in the city using public transport. I do not own any vehicle.

Financial limitation: Have almost exhausted my reserves / savings. No money for investing in business tools and technology. 

No one in my family supports either of the above ventures. They just want me to get a job with the security of a fixed salary every month. That too I am unable to get because of mismatch of my age / experience / designation / academic qualification / last salary drawn (too low compared to my skills and experience) etc.

Am truthful, honest and straightforward –  strong on values – and hence haven’t been successful in building a great career in the last decade and half in the corporate world.   

Any help with an objective and pragmatic perspective is appreciated . . .