
Corporate Photography – the communication behind the click…

I came across this interesting article published in the Asian Photography Magazine. Relevant, because of the subject shot! But interesting, because most of us don’t really bother about the thought that goes behind a certain genre of photography!

If you’ve worked with the media, you’ll know what I mean. Being an advertising professional, I was fortunate enough to be exposed to different genres of photography right from my trainee stage.

And with each assignment, I soon learnt that different photographers needed to be used for different kinds of products & campaigns. 

So the food shots were shot by a specialised photographer (who happened to be a very quiet, non-communicative, loner kinda guy. You’d have to sing, dance and do a couple of cartwheels to figure out if he needed any more fresh limes as props!) As an ever smiling, polite rookie, these kinda guys seemed intimidating. The agency would never call in this one for shooting a group of vibrant college kids. No way!

On the other hand, the talkative, jovial uncle-like dude was perfect for the brochure shoot for a primary school!  

To my mind, corporate photography, is the most difficult kind of photography to be creative with, because it involves clicking portraits of serious looking, suited people. It is perceived as formal and mundane. Boring. Something, as an important member of a company, you just have to get done. 

Here I stop. Read the article. It explains Corporate Photography in the most eloquent way. Hopefully it will change some perceptions as well…

Photo credit : Steve D’Souza

“Corporate photography has always been an integral part of portrait photography. It is a genre that is used for promoting a company’s brand, individuals, products and services. Over the years companies have become more aware about their corporate image and have realised the importance of visual communication.

The idea of creating the appropriate visual identity for a company and the people working in it is of utmost importance to it, while indulging in any marketing or public relation activity. in addition, photographing people involved in the organisation adds a human dimension to what otherwise would only be a brand name to the consumers.

While shooting for a corporate, the main goal is to sell the brand which means photographers have to work with their business clients in mind. corporate photos can range from classic and environmental portraits to be used right in annual reports, newsletters and magazines, on company websites and press releases.

Corporate photography in effect is as simple as portraiture of a business person, but doesn’t come without challenges. As a photographer one needs to know exactly what one is doing, which is to be prepared to work in any kind of conditions, within the time frame to achieve the objectives. There is very little scope for experimentation, which means you need to have everything planned along with contingency plans.

In most cases, corporates opt for a business headshot, which is quite basic and fulfills the function of enhancing communication with customers, clients and other professionals. As for the company, the photographs of their employers and employees are representative of the company itself and aim to achieve an image that speaks about the brand as well as the individuals. To make sure that you perform and deliver during such a challenging shoot here are a few methods which can help you get a better idea.

Do your homework in most cases, you would have a major time and space constraint, which means you have to be well prepared.”