
Do we need a VC, or Are We at Right Path ?

We are running a coupon site for major online retailers in US and about to start same site for UK. We achieve some great things for this project even become the top level affiliate for big consumer electronic company.

We are basically non technical guys and built a product from scratch in CMS by outsourcing the development work. We spent almost about 500,000 in the development during the period of a year.
We breakeven by period of six months, but now we are competing with big guys and have aim to capture larger market in India as coupon Industry leaders are coming into domestic market.

We have future plans, strategies and modification in pipeline. But the development cost, slow speed of development, lack of knowledge in deep technological issues and mostly outsourcing the development work to somewhat not so good team is staggering our plans.

What I think is we need a mentor, VC or investor who can invest in our product and  guide us with development issues.

Is there a right way to think, or is there any other way We can grow fast ?