
Do You believe in Miracles !!!

                 Oxford dictionary defines Miracle as “an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency”, I sincerely think everyone gets fair share of miracles in their life (if they are able to recognize them) condition being effort is equally contributing for miracles to happen.

Based on my observations and for Fun –  I have created a profile of people who are more prone for miracles then others and here are the traits and you can tick and score yourself 😉

1. Pleasent Personality

2. IQ > 120 (At least)

3. Talking Eyes

4. Bubbling with Ideas

5. Want best in Life

6. Can motivate a mountain to move

7. Very direct in their approach

8. Great Network

9. Good Communication

10. Respected by elders

Occurance of Miracles happening is directly proportion to score you get. Each Profile item is of 1 marks each and you can give yourself score on effort out of 10. The formula for Probability of Miracle happening with you is

Probability of Miracle = Effort * Profile Score

Go ahead and calculate where you stand – Do it for fun.

Also share your miracle stories – I can start with one.

Long Long time back – I completed my class XI and during summer vacations, I realized that I am totally out of means to complete my education and appear for my boards. Still I borrowed old books and notes and planned to complete my syllabus in the summer vacation itself, before day 1 of the class.

As miracle do happen – two weeks before the school opens, one of my distant relatives arrived at my place with a bag full of bed sheets (exactly 500 of them), he was closing down the business and asked for help, with whatever I can sell with minimum base price and I can decide the margin and profits for myself. I went to a few shops and checked the price for similar stuff and realized I can easily have 100% margin and still they will be 50% cheaper from market, I sold them in a week and earned net profit of around Rs 50 thousand and which was sufficient for my 2-3 years of education.

I know for sure without this miracle I would not have been where I am today….and feel blessed and always wish miracles for everyon – what is your story?