
Do you think we need a better project & HR management (SaaS) software?

Dear Rodinhooders,

From past few days – my small startup is working on the SaaS based PM & HR solution. Our vision is to provide a single platform where user can allocate projects, share files, integrate emails, track tasks and most important determine the true performance.

I think every other product in the market is extremely segregated. At many places user end up paying for multiple SaaS products (e.g. basecamp, asana, gira etc) – duplicating data everywhere (bad user experience but probably not a bad UI). This is not necessarily a problem if you are a small company but can be a huge painpoint if you have more than 20 employees.

However – this is all my thought process. Obviously there are some solid reasons for this segregation – expertise, user focus, revenue models, etc – and it does make sense to keep these components separate from each other e.g. PM separate from Expense Management or Performance.

I was wondering what all challenges or problems you faced with your favorite project management or HR software?

Example. We have a feedback from a customer where he wanted to see his ticket system integrated with the task management because he wanted every ticket to be handled as a task. There is another customer who wanted to churn out PM and Time data to determine team performance & company KPIs. Then we have a very simple feedback where customer wanted to see his employee human resource data in the project management software.

Will it make any sense if

1) software automatically provides an employee performance rating?  

2) re-allocates work task automatically within employees to keep employee engagement high?

3) actually suggest him training or learning options based on the work he/she is doing?

4) can PM / HR software impact company work culture?

Kind Regards,
Nikhil J.