
”Dont google out,when you have”

How does one become an entrepreneur??? Especially 20 year old?

There’s a secret. The secret isn’t talked about much. In Mumbai;we like to think of all these start-ups as coming from people leaving IITs and IIMs, being blessed, being inspired.

There is a mystery.

Most of the successful companies over the last 20 years actually spun out of major corporations. They were oldies. They were people 40s & 50s that got so fed up with the work routines of the current corporation they were in but they also understood how business actually got done. They knew how can they setup a business and make them sustainable.So they left the companies and started something themselves.

So if you’re a venture capitalist you look for those types of folks because they’re seasoned on the one hand, they know responsibility, they know certain aspects of leadership, but on the other hand they know how boring it could be to be over-constrained in work. So these are often the folks that build the successful start-ups.

But for Youth like us time is not a limitless commodity.We can make most of the opportunities we have today;unlike the people in 40s.;)

We can be moulded in any direction because the talent is raw and needs to be crafted.

We are more productive and can work late night and still show-up sharp at 9 in morning.

These qualities make us different.We have made top 10 companies on globe.We are still doing.

There’s always an excuse to not start a business. Maybe you think you’re too young, too old, or too inexperienced. But the truth is there’s no such thing as a perfect time to start a business. Start now – and you can learn on the way up.START YOUNG!!!

How i got inspired?

Just like many of us;listening to stories of young entrepreneurs like richard branson,bill gates,steve jobs,mark zuckerberg etc etc.

I started digging google to find the best ways to create a profitable business at young age etc etc.loads and loads of articles but none helped me out.

So one day i saw some article shared by someone in my network.the post was client is always right.full stop.i guess? it belonged to rodinhoods.
I follow aloks post and posts shared by him.

No doubt his posts are little bit aggresive.but its TRUTH.Being positive is one thing;but forgetting the negative aspect is foolishness.

These posts helped me invent my 1st startup(Web development company) by just investing 938 bucks.yea thats all.

Alok you are doing a f*****g great inspire us.your blogs inspires young hearts.keep writing.Especially for young starters like us, one stop for all info is
