
Don’t Let A TechCrunch Article Spoil Your App Party

Nielsen published a report recently that TechCrunch wrote an entire article about. While the report remains factual on current mobile app usage insights, the conclusions that the article draws are baseless.

One of the findings in the report suggests that there ‘may’ be an upper limit to how many apps people will interact with in a month, and that number is limited to just over a couple of dozen apps.

The article then draws the following conclusion, “it’s bad news for the young companies trying to establish a foothold and core group of dedicated, engaged and loyal users within the ever-expanding app universe.”

Now, if you’re a budding app entrepreneur, it’s easy to fall prey to such reports, which are misleading and don’t understand the core of entrepreneurship.

Let me highlight a couple of things the article implies that you shouldn’t be bothered about.

#1 Competition: the article assumes there’s too much competition and that’s bad news for entrepreneurs. Really? Didn’t Google launch amidst stiff competition? Didn’t Facebook too do the same? These are in the mass market, but what about Wolfram Alpha, which is in the niche market?

Let’s talk about Google or search engines for instance. People typically don’t use multiple search engines to look up something on the net. Yet they had many choices such as Altavista, Yahoo, and more when Google came along.

To stay within the universe of apps, let’s take an example of GolfLogix. This is the Number 1 app for Golf players with over 5 million downloads. It’s a highly successful app, even though you may not have heard about it or even if you did, may not have it as part of the apps you use regularly.

Similarly, have you heard about Glenn Harrold’s Relax and Sleep Well app? Chances are you haven’t, but the app has over 2 million downloads and continues to generate consistent and growing revenues for the entrepreneur.

I could go on about many such examples. The point I’m trying to make is that if you’re solving a problem for a set of users/customers, it doesn’t matter whether there is competition in the similar space or not. You’ve got to build a better product!

#2 Generic customer: not all customers are the same. The report by Nielson just presents the fact of averages. A customer whose interest lies in sports will have a different stack of apps from those that are passionate about music.

Depending on the industry you are catering to, your app will find space in your customer’s phone if you offer a better enough solution to their problem than the existing apps do.

Do not take the article at its face value and assume that all customers have the same type of apps on their device. Sure, there may be a few common ones such as the ones mentioned in the article, but those wont be more than 6-8 apps at the very most.

Right at the end, the author adds that the challenge is not so much about installation (?), but how to be one among the regular apps used by people.

Seriously? Isn’t that what any or every business is about? That’s what building a product in any vertical is all about. Products are built to replace earlier (less-effective) solutions or to fulfill needs that were left unattended.

If I were in your shoes looking at building apps, I wouldn’t be worried about such articles. In fact, I’d be focused deeply on building my product and finding a product-market fit rather than be consumed about how many apps a user would use on his or her phone in a month.

photo credit: M31. via photopin cc