
Entrepreneur ‘Satori’ – how things start.


July 1992


Florence – Italy – Factory floor of the Conti Socks Machine Factory


Machine – 4″X108 – Single Cylinder, with no reciprocating heel.



I am standing with my very first Guru – Mauro Cecconi – head of training



When I was 24 years old, I got a chance to visit the Conti Socks factory from where my father was planning to buy some socks machines to knit ‘tube’ sports socks.


I was a B.Com graduate from Sydenham College and had no clue in machines, equipment nor manufacturing.

Call it luck or simply entrepreneurship – I took the leap and told my dad ‘I will be the jobber (technical worker) of this new line of machines’.

It was sacrilege in many ways. The sons of a 400+ worker factory was going to be a mechanic? To work with tools and grease and repair machines on a shop floor with workers?

The night I left for Florence was Diwali night and one relative whom I had gone to visit in the day really made fun of me and my adventure. He said, “Kya, Mechanic Banega”? I still chuckle when I meet him and remember his taunt.

Mauro taught me pneumatics – precision, cad/cam (see the computer console – you could change the way the socks were knit using that dashboard). 

I learnt how to make machines listen and dance to the tune of man….

This particular machine taught me the power of ‘creative’ computing – how a simple design (say a flower) drawn on a computer could then be transferred into the machine (notice the black socket connector on the  the extreme right bottom corner of the picture), and made to actually knit a sock with the same flower!

This factory also taught me hard work.

The first day I arrived, after 1 hour, I was looking around – Mauro asked me what I was looking for?  I said, “A Chair”

He smiled and said, “Signor Alok, on the factory floor we have no chairs. Your legs are your chairs. You will have to learn to sit on them for 8 hours“.

The first night, my legs were swollen and I was almost numbed and disoriented. 

Entrepreneur Moment

One afternoon, almost towards the end of the 2 week training, light was coming down the glass ceiling and was shining on this machine. That moment I had a mini ‘satori‘…

I realized that computers synced with creativity was my future.

In 1998, I switched lines – I became an Internet entrepreneur and launched a contesting website called ( and the rest just followed after that.

I now run a group called the 2win group ( 

This story is just one of the many examples amongst us all of “how things start”.

So many things I learnt in those 2 weeks in the Conti factory come back to me even today and continue to guide me!

I am sure you have your own story to share… or you are in the midst of a plot that will unveil itself to you soon….  

So, just wait for your  moment – for your entrepreneur ‘Satori’. But for that to happen, become an entrepreneur ASAP!
