
Entrepreneurs vs Employees!!! Who holds the fort stronger will sustain longer!!!!

Hello Friends,

I have seen many entrepreneurs running and closing their business and then changing it always to get on the new one. But then I saw very few who stayed with their units in all conditions and propel it from the most different situations. when you grow you are bound to face problems. But I think it is very necessary to make us wiser.

Compare an employee who grows with an organisation and become CEO from Trainee in 20 to 25 years. but then their efforts and promotions are worth to achieve this.

Similarly when we start the journey of entrepreneur we are also trainee and we really become CEO after the rigorous test of various fields like handling from quality issues to raising funds ourselves.

As per my view it is not necessary to always go ahead during your entrepreneur journey, It plays a major role if you hold your ground in difficult times and do not let go your company.

Sometimes we rodinhoods continue working and remains always cash strapped but if you just stand and think behind you will come to know what asset you made in terms of machinery, experience, new leanings.

In my view the longer you hold in difficulties more your project will strengthen the roots in terms of technology, up-gradation, difficult times. Your suggestions on moving with new projects or make your existing projects one of the biggest…?

Note: My experience is in manufacturing, Please share your view also.