
Experience with Art of Living Meditation during struggle times

Dear Friends,

In my last blog I mentioned about my problem of raising funds and struggling with growth vs cash flows. It is still going on until one day I thought why I am taking so much stress on the issue after I got so many advises from you guys, so I tried to relax and think calmly , and then I started searching about art of living meditation coursed. Due to hectic touring, I was unable to attend the classes but from the net and morning sessions of shri shri ravishankar at sanskar tv channel, give me some tips to meditate,

I started pranayam and meditation as guru ji mentioned and from last few days despite all daily problems I am feeling more energetic and more capable to handle the people and my inner emotions, It is much relief and now I am sure that I will stay on with this.

I am feeling happy and more energetic and surely will resolve all the issues one by one.

Relaxation of mind sometimes opens up a new world of happiness!!!!