
Failure is always an orphan…

Since my childhood I have been listening and reading one quote that is

“Failure is the key to success.”

Unfortunately, entrepreneurs are afraid to accept it because they don’t accept their failures and this how failure becomes alone, nameless and ORPHAN. Failures break those people emotionally but they pretend to be stronger. And that pretense doesn’t last long.

John F. Kennedy has said:

“Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan.”

Victory and success are always welcome by everyone but nobody recognizes their failures, nobody accepts the responsibility of particular failure. Success is like honey and people who want to be father of it are flies who want to taste that honey. Flies die in thick & sticky honey while tasting it.

People usually fail while dreaming of success. Dreaming of success is not wrong until it reaches to greediness but people feel insecurity that’s why they emphasize more on success than on failure. Obviously, one should concentrate to get success only but not in that much extent that one completely neglects failure as an unnecessary thing. They don’t dare to fail which actually teaches them necessary things.

For few people, success is a skilled child who has potential and can easily be famous in the world. That’s why people want to be father of it to feel proud of it and failure seems to be that challenged child who can’t do anything easily that’s why it remains an orphan. Nobody adopts that child. This is how failure is being left alone.

But many times, failure stays alone itself because failure depresses one and hence he/she wants to make him/herself alone for a while. It may be a devastated condition in someone’s life but there is a lesson. This is how, failure comes into existence as an orphan where it is alone by its own choice. Our purpose of any task, work and project is to get success that’s why we automatically favor success and failure is negative result of any task – that’s why we reject it. A negative result can be analyzed and next attempt can be achieved successfully but till people realize it, failure will be an orphan.

You can adopt this orphan by accepting your failures. Don’t let failure be an orphan because failure has lessons and keys of success is inside of it. Will you let your failure be an orphan ??

– Pradip Savaliya, Founder of Acekiller Studio

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