
Feedback on the Logo Design and a Tagline

Hi Fellow Rodinhooders,

My name is Neeraj and for people who are not familiar with me here..I am one of the co-founders of RockYourPaper. RockYourPaper is a platform for students and researchers to discover, manage and publish relevant research articles in an affordable and transparent way.

Over the time RockYourPaper became the defacto search engine for searching and managing “Open Access” research articles. Today more than 200,000 registered users uses this platform to discover and manage the research articles. 

As RockYourPaper grows with it’s user base steadily, focus now shifts to new product development. Since our users are mostly students, researchers and institutions. It is only logical for us to look into something which is more academic oriented and and also keeps with RockYourPaper’s philosophy of making knowledge affordable. We are now working to make organizing conferences a cake walk.

Our first priority was to come up with a name. Name is “INKOMFA” which means “Conference” in Zulu language. INKOMFA is an online system to organize and manage “Academic” conferences. Once settled with the name and the other details, we started working on the logo. Our designer has suggested few options. We want to put it in the public domain here and ask Rodinhooders for their feedback. We will be glad to get some feedback on the Logos and also if some of you can suggest a “tagline” 
Here are the options. Let me know what you feel.
