
Finance & Women: Is the scenario changing or is this area still male dominated ?

Traditionally, it is observed that female members in most families are not given importance when it comes to taking financial decisions /planning.

In contemporary world, in almost every family,  at-least one female member is working / earning member and contributing well to total income of the family, in some cases earning more than male members.

Yet, in majority of cases their opinions are not sought for taking any financial and investment decisions.

Though times are rapidly changing & women are now actively participating in financial/investment decisions, I would still say that this change is rather slow & needs to accelerate & gain momentum.

Why is the change slow?

Many questions arise which can be debated & discussed.

I am taking this topic to all women and their male counterparts for discussion so effective conclusions can be reached.

My agenda is not to simply discuss. I am gearing up my team to setup an entire women   friendly investment advisory division, which will be run and managed by “women for women”. We believe that if a woman can become an earning member and take crucial decisions in her respective job, why can’t she take independent financial decisions? Why must she rely on her husband/father/brother or any male member when it comes to taking decisions in financial investment?

I, specially, request  all women who are taking independent  financial decisions or contributing to financial and investment decisions of their families, please send your stories as to how and what kind of investment decisions you took/are taking/planning to take for creating wealth.

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