
FinTech Mafia, Content Crazy Chopra, GoKrazee, VoteGiri and Artisan Foodwali Tanul! [Feb 6-12, 2016]

My dear dear Rodinhooder,

Love is in the air? VC love? Co-founder love? Startup love? Nah – take a break and spread some love!! (Ha ha! Bet you thought I was getting all romantic, aye?!!)



Chocolate Covered Content:

Aashish Chopra is crazy. Content crazy. Video crazy. Whatever he touches, goes Viral. Or breaks the Internet! Check out his latest experiment and bookmark his insights. He has an ASK AASHISH page as well. So ask him stuff!! And pls congratulate him – he’s just won the DMAI Marketer of the Year Award!  

The FinTech Mafia and The Firing Machine!!! If you missed our Mumbai Open House – YOU GOTTA CATCH the masala on our FinTech Panel Discussion moderated by Suresh Venkat and the firing squad :).

Meet Tanul in an interview (with me) where she talks about artisan food, making up with her co-founder over food, the Himalayas, Husband esops, kicking butt (seriously!) and much much more! #MeetTheRodinhooders

Saikat interviews a couple from Kolkata who built an online store G-Girl, while keeping their 9-5 jobs!! 


Startup Roses!

Noted – a social learning platform (too bad we didn’t have “social studying” while we were in college!!)

GoKrazee – a platform that connects users and brands through selfies & video challenges

VoteGiri – a platform to discuss and vote!

Exquisite India Collection of Premium Diaries – an effort towards conservation of wildlife.

Hearts on Fire!

SheCEO (2nd edition) – an initiative for women entrepreneurs + platform to grow your biz and get mentored by experts! APPLY NOW!!

Emerging India Awards (presented by ICICI & CNBCTV18) – Rodinhooders… don’t forget to nominate your startup!! Awesome opportunity to get lots of ATTENTION and to be on TV! Yeah!! (and we’re partners too!!).

Hey have you sent your names to the moon yet?! What are you waiting for?? #Million2Moon

6 Indian apps every guy apparently needs this Valentine’s… hmmm

Talking about V-Day (V for Valentine’s, not Valuations or VCs!!) our Mr Rodinhood tested the Dating Apps waters once upon a time, but didn’t get lucky (hee hee). He happens to be on Tinder as well and says you should too. Ahem ahem!!



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practice the art of giving & loving.

not just for valentine’s day.

but every single day.



much love,

asha chaudhry

co-founder & editor 

