
Food for Entrepreneurs

Happy Monday Fellow Rodinhooders,

I have been to quite a few startup events in Bangalore and have seen a lot of sponsors from different segments, but never seen a sponsor from food industry. I mean someone like Dominos, or Pizza hut or any other big brands. 

Now, I am hosting an event for startups and Entrepreneurs, and I want to know if anyone in TRHS community have cracked this. If so, how?

If not, has anyone ever tried to contact right people (and how did you find them?), please share your experience along these lines. I have tried a few thing myself, and still trying all the things I can think of.

Do you think we can pitch following to one of these big brands, “The Startup Burger” or “The Entrepreneur Pizza” or they can promote themselves as the company which has “Food for Entrepreneurs”. 

Any and all help/feedback/comments are appreciated. 
