
Friends, I need your suggestions on this idea of mine..

Dear Rodinhooders,


A couple of amazing incidents happened a few days back. Then I thought that every one of us have our share of amazing tales, which are worth sharing and can inspire or entertain others.


One Billion Tales, is one such platform, where people can post random, interesting tales or explore many such tales posted by others. These tales can be related to a travel story, photo feature, person, an incident, food etc., anything, that is interesting and carries some value.


I have created a basic working prototype, please have a look:


I have not figured out any revenue model as of yet, which can follow, once it has enough user generated content. I want it to grow organically.


Now I want your help, please share your views, criticism, suggestions to make it better or simply contribute a tale. I am sure every one of us has an interesting tale to share.


Thank you. 🙂




[P.S. I have published one of Alok Sir’s tale, Just Jump. I hope you are fine with that, Sir!.. 😛 ]




On our recent bike trip to Laddakh, we took a wrong road, which led us to a dead end. There we found a shepherd family, who invited us to have food with them.


Read full story at: