
From a Problem to a Startup…

Dear Fellow Members,

We have been working towards making access to knowledge affordable. So after few delays, we are now ready to release our beta for testing… Can you guys please check? Give feedback… We are restricting the beta with only search function. Search research article on any subject, if it’s on internet it’s with us, and we guarantee it’s for free!!!

We invite you to test and encourage you to use FB login… Thanks… do check. Again, it is…

How Rock Your Paper came in to existence because of a personal problem I faced how I was determined to solve it not only for myself but for millions of researchers just like me with the same problem.

My name is Nadeera a PHD student University of Peradeniya one of the largest University in Sri Lanka.  As a student from developing country accessing knowledge was the greatest challenge I faced.  When I start doing the literature review for my PhD, I started searching for research articles.

Interestingly Google Scholar gave me enough and more articles I wanted, but then comes the sad part, when I click on links it took me to the articles, I had access to read only abstract or sometimes just the topic, to read further  I needed to pay 30-40$. Then I realize my PhD stipend is not enough to download even 10 articles.  And My University Library had access to few International Journals, so the condition worsens because I had no clue how can I get what I need.

This is where the story of “Rock Your Paper” begins.

I started searching more and more about scholarly publications, how and why it is so expensive and what are the problems? I realized there were so many open access journals which gives free articles, but the problem with them, they work in silos, so you cannot access all the articles in one platform, and some platforms they produce less than 25 articles per year, some charge 1500-3000$ from the authors, which is  exorbitant for a researcher.

In some of the developed countries’ Universities digital libraries with large repositories give access only to the students of the same university. I realize the Paradox of commercial publishing, we researchers work hard to write articles and give the copy write to large publishers, people review articles for free for these commercial publishers, basically everything comes for free for a commercial publisher, then why they charge so much?? The question lies there… We need to buy entire journal to refer few articles. Do we still need that system?

RockYourPaper came up with solutions for the above problems .Why buy an entire journal, when you need to refer to only one Article? We want to help  15 million knowledge seekers  like students, universities, businesses, governments and the media around the world who download 300 articles every minute to discover, engage & get inspired by cutting edge wisdom, that makes it more than 400,000 Articles everyday.

 Here’s what Rock Your Paper is all about…

Our solution is simple and effective, Rock Your Paper breaks down the journals into units and lets you pay for what you need. For an example you need to refer to one particular article in a journal ABC, you can download only that one, by simply paying 5 dollars rather than paying 40 dollars.

Not only that, a lot of journals demand money to publish your article, sometimes it is as high as 3000 Dollars. Last year Commercial publishers made a profit of more than 2 billion. What Rock Your Paper do is allow the Author publish for free and let the peer, review and rate it, all in public, we let peer – peer review become more transparent.

What’s more? Not only let you download or publish, but Rock Your Paper let you do a peer to peer contact, so someone sitting in US doing a research on Cancer and someone sitting in India doing a research on Cancer, can find each other, share their

Knowledge and Collaborate in their research. Collaboration in knowledge will benefit the researcher and the research itself!

Our Mantra is to make knowledge affordable, let the research community and industry flourish by collaboration and sharing of knowledge.

I hope all the knowledge seekers all over the world will visit and see the features and use our vast repository of more than a million articles in various subjects. Your research and quest for gaining knowledge will only increase with Rock Your Paper.