
Go Daddy Go…Get me a URL…



My absolute favorite website for booking domains is


I visit it as often as I get an inspired to reserve a Domain name.





Why is it called ‘Godaddy’?? 


I have no clue!!


The ‘Godaddy Girls’ (see home page of godaddy) facscinate me and the business is one of the most profitable and successful in the world in the domain parking and reselling space.


This discussion is really casual and intended to find out the ‘naming’ inspirations and ideas used by businesses all over the world to describe themselves.


Let me start:


In 1998, I had this bright idea to do a contesting site and for good or for bad called it ‘’. It has become my personal identify since then.


A year later a gentleman called Ashish Kacholia met me and looked at the domain and said ‘Alok, like Music Television became MTV, should become c2w’.


Believe it or not, I managed to buy a 3 character domain called just after he told me – a year later after starting


In 2001, Softbank – one of our c2w investors said ‘Lets do in China but on Mobile’.

Since their board was comfortable with as an investment, we called that Company Mobile2win (Acquired by Disney in 2006)


In 2004, Sam Balsara and I agreed to do a media JV for Internet. Since it was my idea, I pressed Sam to allow me naming rights. He agreed. I obviously called in media2win.  The JV fell out, but the name stayed.


In 2007, Games2win was created coz by then 2win had a nice sound to it; it was lucky for me and VC’s knew of our exits in China and India.


So….2win continues.


In New York, on Obama election celebration night, I saw Obama just as the messiah of the world and said to myself ‘wow – he is a thinker and a doer’ – I remembered Rodin having sculpted ‘The Thinker’ and also Robin Hood the doer – then rushed to (where else) and booked ‘’ for myself… is obvioulsy a logical extension.


So that’s my story.


Can you please share what made you name your Venture; Enterprise or the Company you work for?


What’s the story behind the name?


It doesn’t matter if you work there as an employee – if the name has a reason behind it, it will be nice to share here!