
Google Play, MakeWhale, LinkYou, Eating Purple Kaddus & Puzzles and let’s meet Hyd! [Aug 29-Sept 4, 2015]

Dear Rodinhooderrrrrrrr,

Another Friday, another newsletter? Well with great difficulty as I’m having lots of internet issues here in Goaaaah!!

I JUST LOVE THIS PIC AND HAD TO SHARE IT WITH YOU! It is the quintessential team of Rodinhooders launching at #trh OH – these guys came all the way from Jaipur (the OH was in Gurgaon) – the whole night they were fixing bugs.  They were nervous, and couldn’t believe Alok would be standing right next to them throughout, totally involved in their presentation!

Check out LinkYou – the professional networking app we launched at the OH!


Jab Google Play offered PPP (no, that’s not a political party!), tab Mr Rodinhood & his team took it on….!! Lots of in-app insights in this one!

Cracking topical content. Awesome NewsJacking insights shared by Rodinhooder Aashish Chopra. He has an ASK AASHISH PAGE, so feel free to ask him stuff!


MakeWhale – Customised 3D Printed Gifts!

Puzzles – yummy namkeen snacks from Baroda!

Little Charms – Personalised gifts for kids!

Purple Kaddu – (it’s not what you’re thinking!!) A Guide to healthy eating

Signtist – a mobile game by a brand consultant!

In the hot seat!

Why “hyper local” for groceries needs to move beyond the app.

Imagine 3.5 lakh influencers to share your content!

Sridhar thinks low cost air carriers suck. So he shares 10 ideas to improve them!

Rodinhooder Humaira is writing a media article and needs names of startups based in India’s conflict zones – pls share some with her.

And More!

Our JOBS section is in overdrive! Lots of great opportunities beckon!

And if you really wanna earn some good karma – HEAD FOR ASK!

If you still haven’t checked out ASK RODINHOODERS – now would be a great time!

WIN2015 – the most awaited bloggers event by BlogAdda is around the corner – do register!


Yeah! So the Rodinhooders of Hyd are meeting up and I plan to be there! We’ve got two slots if you wanna launch or demo. The best will be shortlisted. APPLY NOW! And don’t forget to RSVP!!

Last week we had an overloaded newsletter. Do read it, if you missed it.

All of our newsletters are archived HERE.

If you are sick of solving murder mysteries with Arnab, do watch some startup awesomeness that happened in Gurgaon less than 2 weeks ago! 

Btw, I’m an email away if you have any queries at all. be. nice.

be the best person you can be.



asha chaudhry

co-founder & editor 

