
Hammer and Mop seeks Brand Specialists!

Hammer and Mop provides premium cleaning and professional upkeep services to homes and offices across Mumbai. We have built a solid reputation of good customer service and consistent quality. Many of our customers are HNIs and expatriates. A few testimonials.

The Last Three Years

We spent all this time figuring out the customer preferences, understanding the market, building a strong team and mapping out the pathway to super growth. Being a niche player for a niche market required us to explore, experiment, make mistakes and spend considerable time in building a framework that will work. If you step in now, you’ll be fortunate to have joined us when we are planning the future.

We seek Brand Specialists, who will establish an internal & external communication framework. Responsible for a two way communication flow and ensuring consistent branding, they will play a crucial role as we take the next big steps.


Do write in.

If interested, do write in at 🙂 Thanks!