
Help me Validate Alexa Script

I am looking for someone to help with me a valid Alexa Script, I have tried contacting Alexa customer support but they don’t have a solution.

Following is the script provided by them, but if you run it through W3C validator, it fails since you cannot include an img tag in head.

<!– Start Alexa Certify Javascript –>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
_atrk_opts = { atrk_acct:”PM8Yj1a0Sn00X3“, domain:””,dynamic: true};
(function() { var as = document.createElement(‘script’); as.type = ‘text/javascript’; as.async = true; as.src = “”; var s = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(as, s); })();
<noscript><img src=”″ style=”display:none” height=”1″ width=”1″ alt=”” /></noscript>
<!– End Alexa Certify Javascript –>

I don’t want to add the script to body tag, so any suggestions or help would be highly appreciated.