
Help me to validate my idea, in return I will give 1,000 users for your mobile app.

Summary : We are working on a new way, for mobile app owners to market their mobile app to users, at one tenth of existing CPI. We want to validate our idea with different apps and achieve product market fit. For this we want to work with 10 different app owners, preferably who are in a very early stage. App owners needs to include our sdk in their mobile app and in return their app will be discovered, installed and used by 1000 real users.

Long Story :

Mobile App developers or startups, who have recently built a new mobile app and published to appstore / playstore know this pain. Every developer thinks that people will discover his app and download it and then it will spread through word of mouth. In reality it will take nearly one month to cross 100 downloads after a lot of followups to family, friends, colleagues, classmates and followers and the download number will be forever stuck in 100–500 number till some sort of ads are run. For Facebook or google, typical rate for a mobile app installation is Rs 50- 100.

Apart from Word of Mouth (which will work very rarely in India.) For example how may apps you recommended to your friends in last week or how many apps you have installed in last week because a friend recommended it. Advertisements only other options are Carrot & Stick. Either you give deep discounts or unlimited cash back for using services through your app (All e commerce companies in 2015–16) or strike every one with a rule such that they don’t have any other option except using your app (demonetization).

So what is the way out for a Mobile App Developer or a Startup who needs the first thousand users at a nominal cost? The Solution we propose is – provide a small and relevant incentive to the user, at a location & time where that incentive will make big difference to the user, in exchange of installing and registering in the mobile app. Let me explain this with a small example. What is the price you are willing to pay for 1 liter drinking water? Zero if you are sitting in your house and you have ample drinking water in kitchen, Rs 1 if you are buying purified drinking water bubbles of 30 litters capacity, Rs 10 if you are in a bakery, Rs 20 if you are traveling in a bus / train, Rs 30 if you are watching a movie, Rs 50 if you are at a remote location on hot sunny day and so on… If you believe the legend, Alexander was ready to give his total empire for the sage who offered him same amount of water during his return journey from India.

So if there is some incentive in this time & age, which we can offer to the user and which makes significant difference to him, when he is at a particular location or time, then we can offer it to him in exchange of downloading and registering our mobile app. After a lot of research we found that there is one incentive which satisfies the above criteria and it is WiFi Session at a Public WiFi Hotspot present at Bus Stops & Air Ports. Even for a user who has the best & unlimited 4G connection — his connection speed will be significantly slower because Bus Stops & Airports in India are decently crowded and any signal strength drops exponentially in crowds. Also the battery usage (which he definitely needs during travel and post travel) is more with 4G when compared to WiFi. And finally who doesn’t like free WiFi in India?

We have tied with QFI to start . Users will get free WiFi sessions at 34 large bus stops in India. Similarly provides free WiFi at 16 airports in India. User needs to register with their mobile number & email, do a checkin at the hotspot location (to prove that he is present at the hotspot location – this is to keep the free loaders who recharge their WiFi account sitting at their home / office / college) and download the mobile app mentioned to get free WiFi in these 50 locations. We have started 15 days ago and got a very good response from our initial users.

Now we want to tie up with 10 more mobile app owners and market our wifi portals to one million users over the next 4 months. We want to validate our product for different apps, locations and user personas. For this, mobile app owners need to include our sdk in their apps and publish it in appstore / playstore. We will provide necessary technical guidance for this.

Some may question that users will uninstall the app once the wifi session is consumed. For this, we are coming up with a new feature where user needs to pay Rs 2 for 500 MB of data & Rs 5 for 1 GB data inside the advertiser mobile app and get prime membership in the app. This will make the user loyal to the app and less chances of deleting it immediately.

If you are mobile app owner looking for first 1000 users for your android & ios apps then this is a golden opportunity for you. Please contact me at or +91 9704538938 to discuss more about this.