
Here’s to the Crazy One! – A Tribute to Steve Jobs

Here’s To The Crazy One. The misfit. The rebel. The trouble-maker. The round peg in the square hole. The one who saw things differently. He was not fond of rules, and he had no respect for the status-quo. You can quote him, disagree with him, glorify, or vilify him.
About the only thing you can’t do is ignore him. Because he changed things. He pushed the human race forward. And while some may see him as the crazy one, He was genius. Because he was crazy enough to think he can change the world – and he DID!

Its been an year since you were promoted to glory.. and still not a single day pass by when you are not remembered on this planet of ours.

Well you dont know me very well but if u did.. you’d know these things about me:


I dont’ know how and when you dented my universe but you did.. maybe it was when I first saw Pirates of silicon valley.. or maybe when I heard your Stanford speech.. or maybe when I saw your Macbook air presentation.. I don’t remember exactly when.. but you did..

I remember being amazed by Bill Gates(‘ wealth) when I was a kid, and to dream about becoming the richest person in the world.. Sorry But I didn’t knew about you back then.. It was you who made me realize that “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter… Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful, that’s what matters… “

The phrase that you popularized “Stay Hungry Stay Foolish” made a deep impact on me.. I have decided to live by it.. I have it hung over both my workplaces.. home and at office.. I even bought the domain name HungryFoOlish.comand plan to maybe start an eCommerce for Entrepreneurs on it.. or maybe something else.. but for entrepreneurs only..

I can go on and on about how much I love your stories like.. When you once fired a whole team of engineers, telling you this can’t be done, saying I’m the CEO and I know it can be done.. Or when you Dumped the original first ipod in the aquarium and pointing out the bubbles and telling engineers see there’s air.. remove it! 😀 or my best one that how u always managed to drove a SL55 AMG without any registration plate.. YOU, sir, were a real Trouble Maker… 🙂

Now that you’re gone I know one thing on my bucket list will always remain pending (in this lifetime).. that’s “Sharing an Apple with Steve Jobs”. But just a few days ago I visited a bar and in the menu on the fist page there was a shooter named after you called “Steve’s Job” It just gave me some kind of goosebumps and without thinking twice.. I ordered it.. It was rye whisky, apple liquor and apple juice.. and It was simply amazing.. it goes without saying that its now my favorite shooter.. Even though its not the same.. but I think now its the closest I can get to “Sharing an apple with Steve Jobs” this time..

For your Death anniversary I got this tee printed in your memory and decided to wear it the whole day.. Its amazing right.. I know.. 😉

For your next birthday, 24th Feb, I plan to celebrate it along with other RodinHooders as a “Dress up like Steve day” although its too early to plan it.. but I guess its about time to incept the plan..

And finally.. Even though My profile picture resembles a fairly popular pose of yours.. Its not that I want to become like you.. or to become the next you or next someone else.. its just that I want to mark a bigger dent than yours on our little universe but with your blessings and teachings.. and that I like that pose of yours very much.. 🙂

Your’s Truly

Snehil Khanor

P.S. I’m sorry for completing this letter so late.. I began it on 5th only.. but couldn’t complete it until today.. Apologies.

Cross Posted from my BinaryLog: Snehil Khanor’s Binary Log