
HEROPRENEURS…? Does it sound different ?

HEROPRENEURS……..????? Does it sound different?

Yes,it should… We,  brandlovevideos, an explainer video company providing a fantasy Concept…This is completely only just an outcome of our creativity…Now, this is gonna be your favorite. You’re gonna have a treat for your eyes with different top CEOs featuring the role of different superheroes…

Captain America – Bill gates

Let’s begin with the Captain America… An innovative thinker who has eased our work in all possible ways by opening up the WINDOWS at all our homes…. The second billionaire on Earth…Yeah, you guessed correctly!!! Bill Gates, a patriotic superhero armed with an indestructible shield, ruling each and every person’s computers with his user-friendly Operating System for many decades.

Batman & Robin – Larry & Sergey

Here comes our unborn twin Batman and Robin, achieving heights day by day… Their growth is in leaps and bounds in a shorter span freezing all mankind to surf internet… They provide you all the answers you are in need of within a wink of an eye…. May be even faster than that sometimes… That’s none other than Larry and Sergey, CEOs of Google!!!

IronMan – SteveJobs

One thing you may or may not know about this Iron man, Steve Jobs is that he is adopted. How you gotta know why he is compared with Iron man… Started working as a technician and booming slowly into a majestic CEO, attracting all the people round the world through his APPLE… Lately the old saying may go as,” An APPLE a day keeps other devices away!!!” Lol!!!

SpiderMan – Mark Zuckerberg

Connecting us through web he threw on… The one site made us not to move out of your place…It could be put this way as we are trapped into this man’s web…Mark Zuckerberg being the Spiderman, uses his greatest web tool FACEBOOK to make us connected… That’s really good to know that a college dropout is now the one of richest men on earth.

wolverine – Richard Branson

This wolverine man with his long retractable claws has left his footprints in all kinds of business… Richard Branson, CEO of Virgin groups, the leading CEO in UK started his career with “Student Magazine”. Now he runs number of business which includes mobiles, airlines… Lately he is planning to send people to space in his spaceship which is under construction.

WonderWomen – Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey, who is now into her own business, has a long struggling story at the back in the history. Her depiction as a heroine fighting for justice, love, peace, and sexual equality has made her the feminist icon in the world. After being the subject of vicious sexual attack at the age of nine; she later became pregnant, losing the child at birth she was only 14 years of age at the time. Due to her seductive character and genuine love of people gained her the job of her dreams; as a talk-show host and lately as a business personality.

Ghost rider – Henry Ford 

The Ghost rider-Henry Ford, despite his dyslexia fought establishing his motor company which faced two continues failures. Later he made his trademark with the help of many business partners and now the Ford motor company holds a massive sale of $190 billion.

Superman -Thomas Alva Edison

Superman-Thomas Alva Edison was a very patient and passionate man, motivated by success he went on to try and fail thousands of times before getting some of his inventions to work. Some of his inventions we still use today and most of them are historical for changing the world. Though not possessing multiple extrasensory qualities of Superman, he proved to be the superman. Having scarlet fever and hearing difficulties nothing stopped him from achieving.

Hulk – Jack Yun Ma

“Never judge by appearances” goes the proverb… Similarly this Hulk man is one such personality… Here are your clues…He is fond of English,the founder of China’s first Internet-based company named as China Yellow pages… Hope you guessed… Yes,it is Jack Yun Ma,the successful founder of,today holding a net profit of $29.7 billion.

Wasn’t that a really interesting comparison??? Yeah,you would have enjoyed it and gotta to know interesting facts about the top entrepreneurs. Can you now accept them as Heropreneurs??

These people achieved because of their clear pitch, vision and execution…They strongly opened up their talents to the world … If you love to be one of them We Brandlovevideos help’s you to make your pitch perfect through explainer videos.

Make Your Pitch Perfect With Brandlovevideos  and become one of Them. Wishing you all a very happy new year 🙂

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