
How to hire and manage your startup team?

My recent trip to the states culminated on a high note.  The startup space is abuzz with activity and a slew of brilliant concepts are raring to break new ground in their domains. What’s more exciting, is that a lot of non-technical entrepreneurs are taking the plunge into the tech startup waters.

Despite the upbeat atmosphere, many startups aren’t getting as much out of their idea as they should be. With an increasing number of non-technical founders, business and product visions often misalign and the execution goes haywire.

However, while executing their ideas, most founders often go wrong at the very beginning itself- setting up their product development teams.

As someone who’s worked with startups for over a decade, I often get asked, So how does one go about bootstrapping a startup with the right team? Trialing out versions to get it right works with products, not teams. In his book, Facts and Fallacies of Software Development, Robert Glass quotes “the best programmers are up to 28 times better than the worst programmers”.

In my opinion, the best approach to bootstrapping your startup with the right people focuses on three aspects – hiring the team, structuring the team, and managing the team.

Hiring the Startup Team

While larger organizations rely on the strength of their processes, startups are all about people. When it comes to hiring your team, these are some of the criteria you should look for:

Structuring the Startup Team

As a soccer game progresses, managers tweak the team structure to ensure that it is on the winning path. Defenders or midfielders are brought into the unit to ensure the best line-up at all times.

I always relate this example to the stages of a startup’s life cycle and it clearly elucidates how crucial it is to structure your team correctly.

The needs of a startup differ during different stages and so should the team composition. During the MVP stage, an ideal team has a higher ratio of experts (UX experts, big data engineers, etc) to generalists (full stack engineers). Once live, fine tuning and enhancements require more generalists as opposed to experts.

Managing the Startup Team

For most startups, brand value is virtually non-existent and attracting great talent to staff a small team is a tough challenge. But keeping them on board throughout product development requires dedicated effort.

Although market forces will often make you work around it, defining a product development road-map and clearly communicating it is crucial in order to keep people on board and focused.