
How Children Teach Us About Creativity

I was sitting on the stairs and waiting for my friend to complete his test as soon as possible. Meanwhile, I was watching a few children who were playing in the rain. If their mothers would’ve seen this, then it would’ve created trouble for them. I took the opportunity to observe those children and how they exhibited creativity and my observation was something like this…


1) Break the Rules

Children break the rules. They test their limits every time. If a child doesn’t like the game he is playing, then he changes rules accordingly. What rules in your life can you break? How many rules do you follow? Do you have to do things the same way you’ve always done them? If you let yourself “FREE” of always being the perfect rule follower, you might just unwrap some creativity you didn’t realize you had.

2) Know that Playing is Important

Children know how effectively playing helps them to carve new creativity and learning. In this busy world we adults have forgotten the importance of playing. Playing could be a simple chess game, board game, bike riding, or could be a team game like basketball, baseball, etc. Playing adds joy to your life. Playing sparks new ideas. It can keep you feeling young, alive, give you more energy, stimulate your imagination and boost your creativity.

3) Ask a lot of Questions

There is something about small children – they ask hundreds and thousands of questions. They want to know “how” and “why”. How this thing works? Why this happened to this and that? And so on and so forth. They are super curious and they want answers anyhow. Frankly speaking, Questions are Powerful! What questions are you asking others? What questions are you asking yourself? I encourage you to ask as many as questions you can. Don’t have any limit. After all, questions spark new innovations.

4) Be Yourself
Children are just who they are. They say what they want to, they wear what they want to. Are you being true to yourself, or for the work you do? Do you share your ideas and questions with others? Are you letting yourself shine? Are you letting your creativity shine? If not, then start doing it like children do. 

Don’t let yourself be bounded to anything, just be your-true-self.

5) Don’t Worry
Children do not care what other people think. They are brave. They are limitless. They are unstoppable. They embrace life with open arms. Go forward with it! Try something new! Share your creativity and talents! Stop worrying about what might happen if you fail because failure leads to success. Stop worrying about what other people will think.
We adults need to do some analysis time-to-time to be creative, go to some other place for fresh air or space in order to think freely, searching for creativity. But the truth is that we all are creative. Yes people, we are. If you lack creativity or stand still of ideas then I invite you, to learn about creativity, by observing children.

You never know how long you live, but I advise you to go for it. A sexy life awaits you, go and grab the Power of Creativity.

First published here.
