
How do you like the concept of a whatsappdoctor?

Hi Fellow Rodinhoods,

I am proud to be a rodinhood. Let me quickly tell you about my company and myself.

I am the founder of a start-up called and started working on this from 2010. We basically solve health issues. Icliniq is a platform where one can get their health issues solved online. We are bootstrapped and being a first time entrepreneur it took me some time to understand how icliniq can be positioned (online doctor consultation was also an unexplored concept). This was the first article about icliniq. –> And the most recent press mention is here. –> or

Now are planning for a concept called ‘whatsapp a doctor’ where one can simply whatsapp their health issue to a number and they will get a reply with the solution for the issue. This is the concept. (Icliniq basically has a good process and an excellent network of doctors to solve any health issue. We want to use the supply chain of icliniq on whatsapp doctor).

You will be whatsapping an issue to a number and you will be replied with a link to pay. After you complete your payment, you would get a reply for your health issue. Would you like something like this? Would you use such a concept? What other features you would need as value addition? How do you think we can enhance the experience for you?  Need all your opinions on this. 

Come on guys. Please help me in refining this concept. You would get a lot of karma. 😀 And I will surely mention about you guys on the portal. 🙂


UPDATE JUNE 25, 2015 –  .Whatsapp a Doctor is live –  Thank you guys!