
How I Hire People


I am pretty lousy ‘Hirer’.
Given that I worked in the family businesses for years before I started my Digital Journey, I had never been interviewed for a job, so really don’t know of the best practices of Interviewing (if there are any).

Almost 12 years down and possibly seeing 500+ folks graduate from 2win ‘academy’, I just thought of sharing how I hire people.

1. Time

I am paranoid about being on time personally, but am pretty flexible if other folks are a bit late here and there. If candidates are late for an interview, I’m OK with it. I respect that there could have been some trouble on the way or just leave it for the benefit of the doubt.

2. Papers

I may have browsed the resume for agreeing to meet the candidate, but during the meeting, I shun all papers. If the person gives me her CV, I turn it down and place it on the table. I just don’t believe in reading someone’s ‘history’ when the person is in front of me!

Mostly I meet people who write to me that they want to work for 2win, so I just call them over for a coffee.

3. Drinks and Refreshments.

I kinda get naughty with folks here. If the candidate looks serious and stern and typically if the interview is in the morning, I ask ‘Do you want a beer’?

The shock typically gets them startled and either makes them more uncomfortable or makes them chuckle.

I like to hire people who can laugh and be funny and make merry. We are in the business of digital entertainment and communication and need people who are comfortable with them selves.

Coffee is a big addiction for me, so I go on and on selling the Phillips ‘Highlander’ Blend that I insist folks have. Usually they relent to my wishes; it’s served black and 5 out 10 folks hate me for it 🙂

Of course, we offer usual Cola, Machine Tea and Coffee (I tell them its yucky before hand).

4. Discussion

This is really the tough part. I completely stray from the Job Details and dive into what they LIKE TO DO – their personal ambitions, habits, passions, goals etc. The discussion becomes tangential and sometimes vague for the candidate, but for me, it’s the only way to read people and really understand what they want to do.

5. Salary discussion

Its usually ‘ we will match’ what you get. Not anything more – unless that person is coming in at the end of his/her appraisal cycle.

I get a bit emotional on this part. I don’t believe in ‘bribing’ people and making them join 2win. They join us for the journey, the experience and the thrill of doing something not done before. If money is their agenda, they have knocked on the wrong door.

6. Finale

My hiring meets for me last 15-45 minutes. I hire 99.99% on gut and intuition – never by credentials.

2win Khandaan – Circa 2000

2win party 2009