
How to make an Entrepreneur!

While the title might seem strange, foolish or grammatically incorrect; the motivation behind it is politically correct!

Since you are reading this on TheRodinhoods there are chances that you are enterprising and have in some point of your life, read one of the three articles – An article that claimed to make you an Entrepreneur, one that showed how to build wealth or the a generic one to become successful in Life. Whether today you are one of the three or not you know such articles never worked and you didn’t make a dime. This one will work, trust me 🙂

How to make an Entrepreneur Tikka Masala !

The other set of articles that you might have read were a bit easier. Like how to make an Omelette, paneer tikka masala (chicken tikka masala if non-veg food makes you salivate). While both the two genres are totally different the fundamental flaw is that they are written in the same pattern.

These articles work like recipes. Do this-this-that and bang you are an Entrepreneur! While the same step by step approach might logically make an Omelette. Making of an Entrepreneur is a bit more Dil logical. We are different people, with different mentalities, facing different problems and challenges. How can one size fit all?

How on earth can you be an Entrepreneur

In single word Jump. Jump right in the ocean and die. If you can’t afford dying you will start kicking your hands and legs. You will start trying. Even ‘trying’ will happen only post you jump. Not before that. Once you jump your planning will be focussed, learning will be faster and execution will see light of the day.

To mention what I often say to teen-preneurs

Rocket tab udta hai jab pichvaade mein aag lagti hai ! Tweet this

Read the best articles on swimming, see some instructional videos, read a few interviews. See the live telecast of swimming at Olympics and then jump into the Amazon. If you don’t know how to swim, you won’t even survive to curse me. Entrepreneurship is swimming. Till the time you don’t face it you won’t feel it.

Dude what is your story

Well I am a billionaire! Not really. I am the one who ate his dog food before he could give you a piece of advice. I am the one who critically analysis things. Explores options and THEN takes a plunge. That’s ridiculous. Perfection is for losers.

I always thought I would start a venture on the side of a job. People said you need to plunge else it won’t happen. Then I resigned. Last month in that plush corporate job with 40 odd people reporting to you – People said “Idiot you could have easily hired a few interns and made the product before you quit”! In childhood days Maa used to tell the story of – The old man, his son and his donkey. The Moral of the story. Don’t let people decide what you are supposed to do because they are not the owners of your destiny. Just do it!

Can one learn to be an Entrepreneur?

End of day it is your call- to jump or not. Don’t camouflage your delay, behind the reason of learning. You learn by doing. Entrepreneurship can’t be taught. Yes if you are a .com funded ecommerce startup, some internet marketer like me can give you a few cues on SEO and branding. If you are a game studio some designing course might help. Do the designing course, learn programming, list on App Store. All the studios are doing that BUT you still need something more that makes a great game studio. That’s Entrepreneurship!

I am on my own now. There were a gazillion ideas I scribbled. While I was thinking all that will help me before I startup, the one I finalized is actually undergoing some scrutiny by my legal friends 🙁 How much did my learning help me before quitting the job? Zilch.

Back to Entrepreneur Tikka Masala

Its almost 3 am of 15th August…. In the spirit of Independene day I invite you to try the dish of – Entrepreneurship. Mind you – It’s a special cuisine and cuisines have flavors. Flavors which can’t be imagined, read, dreamt, learned or planned. You would have to taste it! That’s the recipe of making an Entrepreneur. Taste the blood, sweat and tears!

Go on. Enough said. India needs more Entrepreneurs. Jump!

About me:

My name is Himanshu Chanda. I am the lamboo wearing Steve Jobs TShirts at RodinHood meets (Check the latest ppt by Alok). While this was an exclusive article in the RodinHood spirit; I do write more stuff on my business blog and I am happy to help any startup out here on Twitter!

