
How would Hiring be through Social Media by 2020? (in Hollywood style)


Really Man, this is gonna be my first ever article to the world. Hello, How are you? Hope this isn’t a lazy Wednesday? Haha

SM=Social Media blame it on Linkedin‘s policy of limiting the title to 70 characters. 😛

After spending more than 7 years of my life in Talent Acquisition, I have witnessed the growth in leaps & bounds of the Hiring Trends. When I started my career in the Recruitment industry, not a single time did I think of giving an advertisement in the leading newspapers. Though there was an instance when my mind got derailed for a moment and I went to check out the rates of the newspaper ads and how to go about advertising and all. That was the end of the news paper era at-least for me. 🙂

“End of a Newspaper era at-least for me.”

In 2008, one fine day I decided to stop reading newspapers. I even called my newspaper delivery guy and had almost 20-25 minutes conversation, because I was one of the few and oldest customer of his. So he was asking me to continue the subscription I said “no buddy I am done with newspapers now a days it has only crap stuff.There are no real stories to read and as a matter of fact there are no good jobs posted on newspapers.” LOL


Coming to my title of this article: Consumption of Social Media in Hiring –

It was in 2008, when India was waking up with much hyped Facebook. A year later in April 2009 LinkedIn was much hyped so I happily jumped in & opened an account. And @ the same time I opened an account in Twitter too which was a big craze. And I am sure the same has happened with you also. Let’s get started with the two new words World “Social Media”.

In these 2 years, crazy things were happening. People were asking me about jobs through Tweets, personal messages on LinkedIn. Then some of the Facebook friends said “hey you are running staffing services right? Help me Bro.” LOL

This was making me crazy. When, where and how shall I reply to them?

Créeme, siendo un reclutador es TRABAJO DURO.
That’s Spanish, couldn’t understand the above line no worries here is the translation.



I figured out and started networking with all these people and then of late I understood the power of Social Media. Man this is the best universe to live in! You can consume whatever, however and how much ever.

The World changed once again when What’s App was born. I literally remember, I used to send profiles of my jobs to each of my what’s app phone list members. And, why not it’s a free Messaging app Right? 😉

The world of Social Media is emerging every single minute. While I am writing this article facebook has already announced their new project and soon to be launched a new website “facebook at work.”

You must be thinking where the hell is Hollywood style in this article? 😉 Aha. Here it is the famous Dialogue from the Hollywood flick:

“My mama always said, life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you gonna get.” (Forrest Gump) 


So please share your experiences and feelings of how you are leveraging the Social media for Hiring?

What do you feel, how would hiring be through Social Media in 2020 in Hollywood style?

Statutory warning: No species were harmed while writing this Kick-ass article. It’s my personal curated thoughts, read it carefully & share it as many times as you want. Cya soon with another Kick-ass article. 


A-1| Wednesday ~ 19th November 2014.

Pls Tweet & gaga on @hiranand

Originally posted on LinkedIn


Sincere thanks to Sunaina for correcting the grammar in my article.
