
I don’t follow anyone on Twitter. SO??? Why the lectures and preaching??

My twitter id is @rodinhood


If you go to my page, you will notice that I have about 1318 ‘followers’.


In the past 12 hours I have starting receiving tweets from some weird social ‘militants’ asking why I dont follow anyone!!


Review the screen shot for the conversations:

Some dude called ‘Sampad’ sarcastically says for Me –  ‘Cant believe this guy’! He further starts explaining the business model of Twitter (social platform) and why I dont fit in!!


Ankitagaba and Vibhassen take it to a more aggresive level – Ankitagaba says ‘ that’s kind of arrogant’!! (not following anyone)


Kin28 says for me- ‘some people just talk and dont like listening’!!




Who are these people?? Are they my wive(s) demanding to know what I do, where I have been, who have I met, etc etc etc???


This is such appalling social behaviour and spanks of an typical ‘lets use any excuse to criticize’ anybody!!


I can fully appreciate hate tweets for the CONTENT AND CONTEXT of my tweets, but who the F**K! are these people to demand WHY I DONT FOLLOW anyone??


Sampad – Do you do 12 push up’s a day?? No?? WHY????? Do you use toilet paper only?? No?? WHY???


Ankitagaba – you drink beer mixed with coke??? Oh my god, what the hell! WHY?


Kin28 –  You don’t wear sarees to work? WHY??


I am amazed at the preachers we have in the Indian Social Media space and how blatantly they use the medium (instead of sending me a private message) just to get a few retweets!??


My thoughts:


– Most of the ‘followers’ on Twitter are based on QUID PRO QUO – You follow someone and they follow you!! hahaha!! I dont see ANY POINT IN THAT. So the NET number ( followers less following) is the REAL number people who are interested in YOU


– The 1318 people who follow me are probably hypnotized by me or are under some spell…. Maybe the social hitlers above can contact them and make them escape.


– Finally, for the record – I FOLLOW ( the word FOLLOW IS VERY PRECIOUS TO ME) – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Amma (Hugging Saint), Lahiri Mahasaya, Bankey Bihari (Krishna in Vridanvan), Paramhansa Yogananda, Sri Sri Yukteshwar Giri, Babaji, Paramhansa Rama Krishna, Swami Vivekananda, My ‘Baba’ (Ex priest of Cuttack temple), Bhai (follower of Sathya Sai Baba), Guru Nanak, Nirmala Devi, Sadhguru, Osho, Mother Teresa, Deepak Chopra and Mararishi Mahesh Yogi. All of them are NOT on Twitter (except DC with whom I have a different equation) and so I dont follow ANYONE ON twitter!!


Satisfied my dear Social Hooligans?!!


My Twitter link (beware of the hypnotism!!) –!/rodinhood


And for the record – I think Twitter will be MORE VALUABLE than FACEBOOK –


Live update at 1455 pm – I’ve added 10 more followers to my twitter account so far!!

