
I Lead India

Everywhere we look, change is needed. We have so many antiquated customs, so many insular beliefs and so many divisive habits. We also have so many areas that need a refreshing wind to blow through them.

The new Times of India Campaign seeks young Indians who not only believe that Change is the only currency that will lead India into the future but back that belief with actual action in their chosen direction. They are the Change. 

At Rodinhood, we have so many young entrepreneurs, so many young activists who exemplify this need of the hour, I thought I would do a post around this on our website. Please all of you who are making a positive difference to your industry should look at applying. You have the guts and the grit – what this campaign may be able to give you and your cause is a bit of glory. The last date is coming up soon – please check it out and apply. We, your Rodinhood family, are there to cheer you on.

The website is: