
Impostors, WorkApps, Counsel Apps, Hopping Frogs and What Made You Jump? [Dec. 5-11, 2015]

Hey there!

Didn’t I just write to you a couple of days ago? Where did the week fly by? Come to think of it, where did the whole year fly by??!!

My area in Goa has been hit by a day-long power cut 🙁 But instead of heading to the beach (really tempting idea, plus I could do with some Vitamin D!), or a far off wi-fi café, I thought of doing a #RodinCrash at Rodinhooder Prajyot’s office 🙂

He not only let me share his desk, power supply, wi-fi & chocolate croissants, but even kindly agreed to do an ASK PRAJYOT PAGE 🙂 He’s writing it as we speak – so look out for it next week!

In case you’re still in the dark, pls check out ASK RODINHOODERS – we have experts from various verticals who are happy to answer your queries!


Have you thought about making your office a safe workplace for women? If you have 10 or more people working at your office, you need to read this and find out if you’re compliant or not with the Sexual Harassment laws. Pls reach out to Pallavi for more information.

I love TV commercials. So I’ve shared some of them on starting up. Which got me to the BIG Q – WHAT MADE YOU JUMP INTO ENTREPRENEURSHIP?! Do comment and if you can, even share your story – the best stories be featured on this post and will win some tees!!

Showcase Surge!

WorkApps – A Work Management Platform that help Teams, Organizations and Enterprises in Work Management, Collaboration and Communication.

Counsel App – Crowdsource advice on personal issues anonymously

Medical UI – a platform that promises to transform medical hospitality

Frogo – an app to discover happening stuff in your city!

Printstill – an online photo printing store

Generator Backup!

Impostor Syndrome is about achieving potential says Vivek…

Perfection selection – can you make progress? #Comic (great reminder!)

India Ideathon 3.0 – a ‘Share Your Biz Idea’ competition

Keep checking JOBS – there are heaps! Our ASK section is a goldmine of insights. And it’s raining EVENTS

Also, a lot of rodinhooders have been pinging me to say TRH has really helped them!! So if a rodinhooder or an article or any of our events, or the community has helped you in any sort of way…. PLS SHOW US SOME LOVE and share a TESTIMONIAL. It not only makes us feel proud, it helps us understand how we can help you better 🙂

In case you missed out last week’s action – you can find it here.

And if you love our newsletters and don’t ever wanna miss one – CLICK HERE,

Still waiting to hear your How I Met My Co-founder stories. It’s a great way to write a tribute to your partner in startup crime!

Enough from me.

Can’t resist sharing a silly though 🙂


think. do. be the light in everyone’s life!



asha chaudhry

co-founder & editor 

