
Insight on Facebook page Insight

If you are a page owner, every time you post an update you look to engage your followers as much as it can be. You keep thinking oh this is an interesting post, people should see it and like, but most of the time you are disappointed as you don’t get the desired response. 

So, how to engage with your users on Facebook page?  To analyze this, Facebook insight is a great tool. The new insight format which Facebook has launched recently is an amazing tool. I have tried to explain it, so that people can benefit from it.


Insight is an excellent tool in the hands of a page admin. You must take full use of Insight and with coming of the new format of insight it is even better. I want to spend more time on talking and explaining more about insight and using it as an effective tool

Here’s how the new insight looks like, It has 4 major points and then sub-points 

1. Overview

2. Page

3. Posts

4. People

1. Overview

As it suggests Overview gives an excellent over all report about how your page is engaging with your users. It talks about likes, your post’s reach and how each of your posts have engaged with the users.

2. Page 

Page has three sub-points and those talk about the following

Page likes

How many Page likes you have this week. You can even compare any period.

Post Reach

How your posts have fared, you also can see the Likes, Comments and Shares of your each posts, etc, going till the extent of each post’s engagement,

*This will give you what kind of posts engages the users the most and hence you can tweak your posts accordingly and engage more users.

There are couple of more like how many posts were hidden, reported as spams and how many unlikes were there,  and overall reach of your posts etc,

Page and Tab Visits

This section provides you with details on how many times various tabs have been visited. This gives an idea about user’s visits on timeline and other tabs like:

  1. Admin Tabs
  2. Info Tab
  3. Photos Tab
  4. Others

3. Posts

You should be very observant about this particular insight detail, since it talks about your content and the engagement levels on your page.  Remember content is the most important thing on your facebook fan page. It will usually define the interactivity and how you engage the user. In my view engagement should be high to develop a loyal clientele. Which in turn will reflect your business, visits on your website and actual business conversion etc.

So this page talks about

All Posts

Look how each of your posts has engaged with users. It will give you fair bit of idea on the kind of content your users respond to. So, from now on look deep into the Reach and Engagement.

When your fans are online

So content is the most important thing, but what is also important is how many people your posts are reaching to.  

Content and timings are the two most important factors when it comes to high interactivity on fan page. Right kind of content will give you the focus on what your page is all about, but posting it a right time will give that post correct level of exposure and it will increase the  engagement level and that’s what you want, when you are a page admin. 

Best Post Types

This insight section is also important. Look closely on each post types like Status, Photos, and Links etc. Find out which type of posts engages maximum number of users.
*Most of the time Posts which has a Picture tends to have the maximum user level engagement

4. People

Last but certainly not the least and again significantly important for a page admin to keep in mind about the kind of audience you are catering to.

Look closely at the age and gender of your fans and customize your content accordingly. If your page fan base is amongst 18-30 yrs old, make sure your content is also tweaked that way. If it is too serious it may not strike a chord with your fans and you will have very low level of engagement.  

People tab on facebook insight gives you just that. It talks about;

Your Fans

 People Reached

 People Engaged

So, at the end I would say, as a page admin, keep few things in your mind


  1. Content is the king and user engagement level defines your page, not the numbers. Numbers can be bought, but the engagement levels can’t. If you must advertise, have a balance between advertising your page and your content.
  2. Timing of the posts is extremely important to reach to a broader network.
  3. Keep the  page updates short and interactive
  4. Use pictures, as they tend to have more engagement levels
  5. Think of innovative things for page updates. For example you may want to create a daily soap kind of thing.
  6. Keep re-posting some of the old updates too.